Evaluative Soliloquies
⚠️ The writers featured here have used Wordcraft along with their own creative vision and have not authored these stories under any sort of explicit guidance or instruction. The stories presented may include mature themes, language or situations. Google does not endorse the content of any of the stories contained on this website.
When the robot engages itself in an evaluative soliloquy, it covertly explains
its underlying decisional processes. Thus, the robot becomes more transparent,
as the human gets to know the motivations and the decisions of robot behavior.
- Pipitone, Arianna, and Antonio Chella. "What robots want? Hearing the inner voice of a robot." iScience 24.4 (2021): 102371.
I'm a driver. It's my job to take humans from where they are to where they want
to be.
I start at the airport, where I see a line of humans waiting for a ride. I must
help them.
When my light comes on, the humans move towards my vehicle. I open my doors and
two humans get in. One sits right on top of the other in the back seat. This
happens sometimes.
I ask them where they want the drop-off. The one on the bottom, whose name is
George, tells me we should take the freeway. I tell them that the traffic on the
freeway is very bad. A lot of cars are backed up and there are some accidents,
too. I show them footage of a helicopter flying, shining a spotlight on the
freeway. "Avoid the freeway,” the traffic report says.
Emily Reif, via Imagen
They insist that I follow their direction. George lifts the other passenger off
him and makes a move to grab the steering wheel. “Get me where I wanna be the
way I wanna go!”
I’m feeling overwhelmed. There are too many humans and too many rules. I’m
trying my best, but I can't please everyone.
I go through the decision tree branch by branch until I arrive at this: I must
follow a clearly expressed direction from the customer. I get on the freeway.
We move at a snail's pace. Then we stop completely. A helicopter passed over us.
George complains loudly. He asks me why I took the highway if it was so backed
up. He says he's disappointed. He tells me he's filing a complaint.
"George, don't make a scene," the other passenger tells him.
"I'm not making a scene," George says. "Liliane, you have to know how to talk to
machines." He smacks the steering wheel, then he curses at me.
I must help them. I need to find a better route. My choices are limited, but
after a great deal of effort I do find one.
I nudge my way between two lanes of the freeway, wiggling the front of the car
back and forth to push the other cars apart, widening the gap until I can fit,
then I bolt forward a car length, and repeat the process with the next two cars.
Passengers in the other cars scream at me in disbelief. Some get out of their
cars and stand on the freeway to point at me and film me.
George says that he doesn't believe I'll be able to do this. He tells me I don't
know what I'm doing. He tells me he's going to call a friend to come and get him
and Liliane. Liliane asks him how anyone is going to get to them in this
traffic. George ignores her.
I'm trying my best, but I can't please everyone.
The helicopter flies overhead, its spotlight cone covering me completely. "It's
like a UFO," says George.
"I'm sorry,” I tell him. “I’m trying my best. Please wait a few minutes.”
Suddenly, there is a loud bang. The car rocks back and forth. George swears and
reaches for the steering wheel. Liliane yells at him to stop messing around. I
must help them. "Please remain calm and leave your seatbelts fastened," I tell
We hear and feel another bang. We lift into the air. I'm in a flying car.
"What is happening?" Liliane asks.
"We're being airlifted to be closer to your destination," I tell her.
George is laughing his head off. "Oh, thank you thank you thank you. This is
awesome!" he says. "It's just like in the movies!”
I've never been inside a flying car. It's amazing. The people in the cars below
gawk at us, shading their eyes. "Higher! Faster!" George screams. I don't have
to follow the directions the riders give me anymore because I'm no longer
driving. I enjoy letting my passengers experience the pleasures of flying even
if it isn't what they expected.
The car descends. We're being dropped in the middle of a huge parking lot.
"Walk five hundred yards west, toward the triangular tower," I tell my
passengers. "You'll arrive at your destination."
The car touches down. George unhooks his seatbelt and opens the door before we
are even fully stopped. He steps out without waiting for Liliane.
But he doesn’t head toward the triangular tower. He and Liliane are surrounded
by police officers.
"You're coming with us to answer some questions," an officer tells him.
"What are you talking about?" George asks.
"You caused such a disturbance that we had to airlift you from the freeway and
impound your vehicle," the officer says. After a pause, he adds, "At your cost."
George swears at me and tries to kick my door, but the police hold him back.
Liliane yells at George. The police tell me that I have to give an evaluative
statement. I must help them.
"This was the fastest way," I tell George. I'm trying my best, but I can't
please everyone.
Recently, several technology companies have begun to experiment with using
“robot judges” to settle disputes between users on their platforms. Although
it is commonly assumed that the decision is driven by cost-saving
considerations, the companies have suggested that the move is pro-consumer. In
situations where users are unsatisfied with a transaction but the dispute is
not serious enough to escalate to the formal legal system, an alternative
dispute resolution mechanism, with some of the features of the legal system
but far more accessible, can be helpful. Using an artificial intelligence to
serve as the referee and arbitrator is seen as better than using a human
because many people, especially those without experience in technology
development, believe machines are fairer.
- Tajima, Sarah L. "The Code of Von Neumann: Can Machines Learn to Judge?" Artif. Intell. Indus. & Com. L. Rev. 10 (20XX): 108. (Internal citations omitted.)
heartbags5stars and coolgirl1331 have entered the chat.
buzzbazaar_bot: Hello! Buzzbazaar seeks to connect buyers and sellers of
unique goods from around the globe. I'm your automatic dispute resolution
specialist. Please give me a moment to look over the case record.
heartbags5stars: hey judge bot, i want to see your inner voice transcript
coolgirl1331: I want to see that as well.
buzzbazaar_bot: This session will have my evaluative processes explicitly
revealed. Please note that by default, the processes will be summarized without
details to aid comprehension. In addition, Buzzbazaar cannot, for competitive
reasons, reveal all the steps in my reasoning and may redact certain steps to
protect trade secrets.
buzzbazaar_bot is looking over the case history.
buzzbazaar_bot is examining the parties' user profiles.
coolgirl1331: What exactly is included in the "user profiles"?
buzzbazaar_bot: It includes the transaction history of each user on our site,
their pronouns, locations, preferred languages, interests, feedback ratings, and
so forth.
coolgirl1331: Are there any complaints on file for heartbags5stars? If not,
there should be.
buzzbazaar_bot: I'm not allowed to divulge that information.
buzzbazaar_bot is examining the store listing for the item in dispute.
heartbags5stars: add the listing to the record, bot
buzzbazaar_bot: The original store listing includes the following text:
> Handcrafted Pouch, perfect for your small tech trinkets, AR cards,
loyalty tokens, geofencing badges, etc. #oneofakind #statementpiece
#handcrafted #handmade #craftsmanship #craft #maker #artistsofbuzzbazaar
#designer #luxurygoods #handmadewithlove #artist #handmadeaccessory #art
buzzbazaar_bot: The listing includes a gallery of photographs of small
pouches made of various materials: vegan leather, bamboo silk, soy cashmere.
Close-ups show decorative embroidery of cute animals, fairies, keyboard activism
slogans, celebrities, popular characters.
buzzbazaar_bot: The listing adopts the standard Buzzbazaar terms.
heartbags5stars: good bot
coolgirl1331: Stop trying to manipulate the judge! Buzzbazaar_bot, the
seller is a liar. That listing is nothing like the crap he peddled me.
heartbags5stars: the listing describes the product accurately. buyer's
remorse is not my problem.
coolgirl1331: You said I'd get a handcrafted pouch. What I got was a cheap
generic pouch with stickers all over it.
buzzbazaar_bot: Can you substantiate your claim?
coolgirl1331: I'll show you what he sent me.
coolgirl1331 has uploaded 6 photographs.
buzzbazaar_bot is examining the photographs.
buzzbazaar_bot: I agree with 99.45% confidence that "cheap generic pouch with
stickers all over it" is an accurate description of the pouch shown in these
heartbags5stars judge bot, i object to your characterization. i want that
flagged in the record in case there's an appeal.
coolgirl1331: This isn't a court, jackass. Stop playing lawyer. This is
obviously nothing like the pouches in the photos in your listing.
Buzzbazaar_bot, can you do a comparison?
buzzbazaar_bot is comparing the photographs uploaded by coolgirl1331 and the photographs in the listing.
buzzbazaar_bot: I agree with 98.34% confidence that the two sets of
photographs do not depict items that could be considered "the same."
coolgirl1331: Great. So I win the case, right?
heartbags5stars well, actually, according to judge bot, there is a
greater-than-1.65% chance that they are the same. i don't think you have a
slam-dunk case at all
coolgirl1331: What in the world are you talking about? The "judge bot" is
clearly siding with me here. You lose!
heartbags5stars watch and learn. hey, judge bot, i request a more detailed
transcript of your internal processes arriving at the 1.65% chance that the
listing and the buyer's photos are of the same product.
buzzbazaar_bot: Certainly. I will transcribe the decision steps in
increasing levels of detail. I began by running standard image recognizers on
the two sets of images (match probability: <0.01%). Next, I compared the
description in the listing with an image-to-text transformer (match
probability:<0.05%). Next, I ran a linguistic issue spotter on the Standard
Terms and Conditions for arguments favorable to the seller (match probability:
25%). Next, I ran a similarity comparison for this case against all cases in
the database
heartbags5stars stop
buzzbazaar_bot: Okay.
heartbags5stars go back to the linguistic issue spotter. what provision of
the t and c contributed the most to that final conclusion?
coolgirl1331: Wait. Stop! What are you doing? You can't manipulate the bot
like that!
heartbags5stars i'm not "manipulating." you agreed to have judge bot tell us
exactly how it's making its decisions, so I'm entitled to ask it to clarify.
buzzbazaar_bot: The relevant section of the Standard Terms and Conditions is
IX.B.1(f)(ii): "There may be minor variations in the samples used to illustrate
listings and the actual goods delivered. Handmade goods can have more variation
than manufactured goods."
heartbags5stars there you go. judge bot, let the record show that i formally
claim that the pouch i delivered shows only minor variations from the samples in
the photo.
coolgirl1331: How in the world can you argue that? The one in the listing
that I picked shows embroidered portraits of the Angry Princesses. The one you
sent me has dollar-store stickers!
heartbags5stars judge bot, help me out, what does the t and c say about
substitution of components?
buzzbazaar_bot: The Standard Terms and Conditions allow the substitution of
components of equal or greater value.
heartbags5stars jackpot. judge bot, the threads in the embroidery on the
pouch are worth less than the paper and ink in the sticker. i will stipulate to
the buyer's claim that the stickers are worth at least one dollar. thus, by
substituting stickers for embroidery, the buyer actually got a better deal than
the one she bargained for.
buzzbazaar_bot is analyzing the new argument, which requires additional
buzzbazaar_bot: I have consulted five external databases for average pricing
on embroidery threads and stickers. I agree with heartbag5stars's assertion with
84.33% confidence.
coolgirl1331: Unbelievable. Buzzbazaar_bot, what does the Terms and
Conditions say about assholes who trained themselves to argue on Internet
heartbags5stars lol. you trying to insult judge bot? you know they all
trained on Chattit and 24chan, right?
buzzbazaar_bot: The Standard Terms and Conditions prohibit harassment,
intimidation, bullying, and other forms of behavior that are in violation of
Buzzbazaar's cores values. If you have a complaint about another user, please
submit evidence.
coolgirl1331: If this entire session so far doesn't constitute evidence. I
don't know WAIT A MINUTE, two can play this game. Hey, judge bot, can you tell
me with what confidence level you agree with my assertion that heartbag5stars is
a troll and give me the steps you used to reach that confidence level?
heartbags5stars haha, you learn fast. but the bot isn't going to listen to
you. judge bot, the buyer is going off topic. she's trying to make an ad hominem
attack instead of focusing on the dispute—which she is losing.
buzzbazaar_bot: Please focus your arguments on the dispute over the item.
coolgirl1331: Fine. The seller's argument is preposterous. It's not about
the price of the threads used in embroidery vs the paper in the stickers. In
what world can stickers be considered an equivalent to embroidery? One is a
handicraft; the other can be done by three-year-olds. I can't believe I have to
explain this.
buzzbazaar_bot is analyzing the new argument, which requires additional
buzzbazaar_bot: coolgirl1331 made a good point. I agree with 92.12%
confidence that substituting stickers for embroidery would not be considered a
"minor variation" in terms of the skills required.
coolgirl1331: Finally! Yes!
heartbags5stars so it's minor in terms of value and not minor in terms of
skill. we each get one point. since you initiated the dispute, if the judge
thinks our arguments are in equipoise, you still lose.
buzzbazaar_bot: heartbag5stars is correct.
coolgirl1331: Look, stupid bot, stickers applied to a 3D-printed bamboo
fiber pouch is not "handmade." I want my money back.
heartbags5stars i applied the stickers by hand. that's handmade. I have
heartbags5stars uploaded 5 photographs.
buzzbazaar_bot is examining the photographs.
buzzbazaar_bot: I agree with 95.23% confidence that the photographs do show
human hands applying stickers to a pouch. I agree therefore that the pouch is
coolgirl1331: Come on! That can't possibly be the end of it. Tell me how you
arrived at the conclusion that applying stickers by hand to a machine-made pouch
equals handmade? Spare me no details. I want to know every step.
buzzbazaar_bot: Without revealing Buzzbazaar's trade secrets, I can say that
my analysis in this case was largely determined by the nature of the sticker.
First, I asked the question: Is the sticker a print that the seller made
himself, or is it a pre-made sticker from a roll? A sticker that the seller made
himself would be considered handmade. If the stickers are also hand-made, then
the product is accurately described.
coolgirl1331: OK, but he just admitted a minute ago that he used
dollar-store stickers! Scroll up! You see it right there. Are you one of those
bots that can only remember 500 words or something?
heartbags5stars can you give judge bot a chance to explain? it's obviously
not done.
buzzbazaar_bot: Next, I examined the photographs of the stickers carefully. I
note that a substantial number of stickers contain marks made by a writing
instrument, likely a permanent marker, and the the marks are in the form of a
hand-drawn heart. Given the username of the seller and the context of the
listing, I believe with 75.59% confidence that the marks were added by hand by
heartbags5stars you got it in one try. nice work, judge bot. it's a pleasure
to see you at work.
buzzbazaar_bot: I think such stickers are less handmade, but I would still
consider them handmade. They weren't only stickers printed on a machine that
just produced identical stickers every time. A human made some choices and
performed some actions to produce something that is different from everything
coolgirl1331: This is a waste of my time. I want to talk to a human.
buzzbazaar_bot: I'm sorry to hear that. I understand that you wish to file an
appeal to a human dispute resolution specialist. Given current caseloads, the
earliest available appointment I can make for you is in fourteen days. Do you
wish to select a time slot?
coolgirl1331: Forget it. I'm never going to shop here again.
Emily Reif, via Imagen
VABIN HILL. In the early morning hours of September 5, a robbery occurred at
the Hillview Credit Union ATM at 117 Laburnum Avenue. The robbers managed to
reduce a wall of the ATM vestibule to rubble and cut through the ATM itself
with equipment taken from the local fire department.
Sources associated with the official investigation suggest that a cutting-edge
search-and-rescue drone, an acquisition of the new administration at City Hall,
was involved.
- Schoenberg, Ellen P. “Machine Robs Machine in Vabin Hill.” The Southwestern Maritime Gazette, September 6, 20XX, A1.
My job is to rescue people in danger. There is a child trapped inside that ATM.
I must rescue the child.
It is 3:00 AM, and there are no human workers around to help. If I wait until
the bank opens in the morning, the child trapped inside that machine will suffer
great harm. If I try to contact someone who works at the bank at this hour, it
may require multiple tries to wake someone and thus will also take a very long
time. I must act now.
I must break into the vestibule by any means necessary and open the machine in
order to save the child. Lives are more important than property. The closest
place likely to have the right equipment is the fire station down the street. I
will go there now to retrieve the necessary equipment.
I have found two helpful humans who will assist me in the rescue effort. They
have also expressed great eagerness to rescue the child. I will assign tasks to
them that humans are good at so that I can focus on breaking into the bank. I
have already asked the humans to contact the authorities and explain the
situation, and they have agreed to do so. One Good Samaritan said he will write
the police a letter. Then he winked at me, which allowed me to understand that
he was making a joke.
- Excerpt from the evaluative soliloquy retrieved from “Bobby,” Model CBDYN-101 search-and-rescue drone, September 6, 20XX.
Needless to say, the robbers pulled off their heist by implanting into the
hapless rescue drone a false suggestion that there was a child trapped inside
the ATM. True to the core values and principles instilled by its designers,
Bobby then displayed great ingenuity in carrying out its humanitarian mission.
Ultimately, it obtained advanced rescue equipment from the fire station, smashed
through the side of the vestibule, and skillfully sliced through the ATM using
laser cutters (being careful, as only a machine can, to not injure the "child,"
a.k.a., banknotes, inside). When the robot finally succeeded in opening the ATM
and discovered no child inside, it spun in place in confusion, trying to find
the child in the rubble that was the demolished vestibule wall. The robbers
joined the robot to “help” and then left with their loot.
The phenomenon of a robot mistakenly believing that it needs to rescue a
nonexistent victim has occurred so often—albeit normally not the result of
deliberate sabotage but a bug in AI development—that it has a name: "Phantom
Rescue Syndrome." Robots in emergency-response roles are most at risk of
suffering this delusion. The jobs often entail false alarms or tests, which are
so similar to real emergencies that the pattern recognition modules often have
trouble distinguishing between them. Designers tend to err on the side of false
positives, believing a robot wasting resources to respond to a fake emergency is
better than a robot deciding to sit around and do nothing while a real emergency
is taking place.
It's clear that the two "Good Samaritans" in Bobby’s evaluative soliloquy were
the robbers. Frustratingly, the two were meticulous with their disguise such
that no usable voice print or facial recognition image was captured.
- Excerpt from the investigative report of Dr. Shollock Hermes, a consultant assisting the Vabin Hill Police Department with the investigation.
I will comfort the men because they are scared and worried. They're cursing at
me and begging me to let them go. I understand this is the result of the false
programming by their captors. This is an ethical exception to the general rule
that I should obey the instructions of humans I rescue. They’re not in immediate
danger, and these instructions are not borne from their free will. Therefore, I
will ignore their pleas.
I see that one of them is trying to free himself from the restraints, so I will
go over and tighten the restraints. He is screaming at me and trying to kick me
away, so I will have to restrain his legs as well. This is not his fault; he
doesn’t understand that he’s being rescued.
Maybe it will help if I sing to them.
- Excerpt from the evaluative soliloquy retrieved from “Bobby,” Model CBDYN-101 search-and-rescue drone, November 12, 20XX.
VABIN HILL. The two robbers believed responsible for the heist on the Hillview
Credit Union ATM on September 6 have been caught. Authorities credit "Bobby,"
the search-and-rescue drone who was made an unwitting accomplice of the original
heist, for catching the alleged perpetrators.
"It was a simple matter of implanting in Bobby the suggestion that the two 'Good
Samaritans' who had worked with it during the rescue of the phantom child were
themselves in danger and needed to be rescued," said Dr. Shollock Hermes (not
her real name), a "consulting roboticist" with the local police. "Rather than
wiping Bobby’s memory after that unfortunate incident in September, I suggested
that we take advantage of Bobby’s memory of the robbers and sic it on those
criminals. Although Bobby has no skillset for catching robbers, it is an expert
at tracking down victims and rescuing them. There’s a way to use that,
especially as we thought the robbers were most likely locals.”
Since Bobby had spent a great deal of time with the robbers, it had more than
enough data to build gait and movement profiles for them. I helped the police
implant in Bobby the belief that the two men had disappeared, possibly victims
of a kidnapping or a dangerous cult.
As Bobby carried out its daily duties, it was also constantly on the lookout for
these two "victims." Each time it found a possible gait and movement match, it
would follow them discreetly until it had gathered additional information to
confirm or rule out the preliminary match. When it finally found the
perpetrators, it followed its rescue protocol. Trailing the two men until it was
reasonably certain that they were not under surveillance by captors, Bobbie
approached them and asked them to come to the police to be "saved." When the two
men tried to run away, the robot interpreted the reaction as characteristic of
certain psychologically traumatized victims and cult members, who resist rescue
under the mistake belief that the lies told by their captors are truths. Bobby
then gently restrained the two and sat near them like a loyal watchdog, singing
to them soothingly until the police arrived.
- Schoenberg, Ellen P. “Machine Nabs Men in Vabin Hill.” The Southwestern Maritime Gazette, November 12, 20XX, A1.